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Recovery (duration 2 min 29 sec)

This video installation is featuring the object, a vase, in reinstated physical form after a catastrophic event and the video projection of that same event. I found the vase on the street, abundant with minor broken parts and the idea of smashing the object, presented itself almost immediately.

 Two cameras were positioned to record the event from two angles with an aim to catching  the moment of the impact. I collected all broken parts down to the dust and reconstructed the vase.




I made a short film from the recordings with intention to project it over the reconstructed vase. The intent was to create the layers of the memory, playing over and over, to simulate the psychological processes after the trauma and the incoherence with physical recovery.



    During the process, the decision was made to leave the wide cracks rather then try to hide them. After the initial test of filling the cracks with red grout, I decided not to use it as the visual outcome was not supporting the concept of physical recovery.   Instead, it was making a possible sinister statement and that was not direction I wanted to take.    

   Instead, the use of the white grout was complementing to the object appearance, it did not intimidate it but was adding to its sensitivity and vulnerability.

The editing process is new to my practice and I enjoy the possibilities that this media can offer, especially as I am finding increasingly difficult to successfully translate my ideas through the sculpture alone.

Projecting the video over the sculpture created a structure for the object- subject relation and investigation.

By introducing contrasting aspects of strength and weakness, perfection and imperfection, beauty and ugliness, the work is also reflecting invisible duality and parallel reality. Film projection itself is broken and stretched over multiple panels, supporting process of de-fragmentation.


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