Nelson Health Centre Commission Proposal
Tim Alexander-Michael Crossan-Ankita Mishra- Ana Stefanovic
The project started really well, working collaboratively allowed us to immediately analyse ideas and go though them in more detail. It amplified the creative process.
We worked hard examining every aspect of our proposal. We knew exactly why we made the decisions that we made and did what we did. Our understanding of all difficulties and issues grew through the day to day struggle to find resolutions.

When we encountered a major problem, team work was the first thing that suffered: No matter what we did, we could not execute our proposal within the budget. As a group, we did not function properly any more as we were no longer confident that anything meaningful could be done. We did, however pitch our proposal and did not get the commission. Surprisingly, the reason was not the ambition of our proposal but the abstract aspect, which was too much for the panel, made up from the group of women who did not appreciate it.

I enjoyed working collaboratively as we experienced ideas bouncing off each other and energy multiplying. I did, however learn that it is even more important to be able to complement each other when problems increase. The biggest lesson learnt,however, was the importance of finding out exactly who is behind the commission, possibly by looking in to previous successful choices. In other words, find out who your audience is.