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20:20 MFA 1 Group exhibition


20:20  is a site responsive show, bringing together different approaches and reflections around the possibilities, limitations and challenges of the “size” of a piece of art work. The SUARTS Chelsea space is where all UAL Wimbledon MFA first year students have come together to accept the challenge of working within the limitations of the space itself.

To overcome the limitation of the small space, as a group, we developed a concept that will allow all 38 of us to exhibit: keeping the format to 20 cm by 20cm. From that point, we were working independently. I exhibited “Creating Oneself Endlessly “, a digital photo image with wax surface finish. The image is a mirror reflection and contain marks from its surface. The lighting had also influenced the appearance of the marks so that the final image is constracted from multiple layers of different nature. Finally, the finishing wax added the texture and physical protective layer covering the object.

The curating was done by Naomi Avsec and Lucy Malley and the overall MFA First year's first collaborative project was a successes. We responded to the size limitation by limiting the works size and not the number of participants. 




Special thanks to Roberto Luzardo, who organised the space and invited the entire peer group to participate.




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